The following includes editorial content that is the opinion of the author, a current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today.
AVON, CT- Let’s get to the point. Liberals love moms groups…except when they don’t. Recently, Law Enforcement Today reported on a conservative mom’s group, Moms for Liberty.
And, unlike other groups painted as “grassroots” groups such as Moms Demand Action, a front group for far-left former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, Moms for Liberty is indeed a grassroots group, founded by two mothers tiring of children being indoctrinated in schools.
All of that has, as expected, made them a target for the left, including left-wing media such as the Hartford Courant. So it was no surprise when a recent “news” story about the group devolved into a cornucopia of leftist talking points.
Moms for Liberty was initially formed in Florida in 2021 in response to mask and vaccine mandates imposed allegedly to “protect” kids from COVID-19.
This virus has little, if any, detrimental effect on kids. Since its formation in 2021, Moms for Liberty has expanded to 285 chapters in 45 states. That is pretty impressive for just over two years.
Of course, any group that comes out against the preferred government narrative automatically gets a target on its back, and Moms for Liberty is no exception.
The organization recently announced it will be holding an event on Oct. 21, and as expected, the ever-tolerant Democrat Party cannot abide that.
According to the Courant, Avon Democrats plan a protest rally outside the event. Avon, comprised of beautiful people who live in multi-million dollar homes and drive $100,000 electric cars, cannot stand opposing points of view in their community.
As Christopher Keating writes in the Courant in his “news” piece, Moms for Liberty is “so contentious” that an opposing group called STOP Moms for Liberty has been hatched.
Moms for Liberty, seeing the direction the country was headed with schools embracing radical concepts like critical race theory and putting boys in girls’ locker rooms, decided to expand their mission. And with Democrats embracing all forms of debauchery, they could not abide that.
As expected, their mission caught fire among conservatives and has drawn Republican presidential candidates such as former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy to speak at their events.
For a long time, mothers in the Republican Party have remained silent, sitting on the sidelines and allowing the screeching voices of women on the political left to be the only female voices heard. That has changed as moms from Virginia to California have seen enough leftist indoctrination of their children.
“Mothers in the Republican Party Have felt that it’s very important to get more control over what’s happening on local school boards and what’s going into the education of their children,” Gary Rose, an author and longtime political science professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT., said.
“The Moms for Liberty movement is actually a potent force in grassroots politics today and is something that we’re going to hear more of.”
Rose noted that much of what drives the group has been cultural issues, including the so-called “woke movement” currently infecting public schools.
“Gender identity, critical race theory, mask mandates, vaccines—it’s all related to what’s happening in public schools, and mothers are very concerned about what their kids are hearing.”
And it is having an effect. Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia rode parental discontent into deposing former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in that state’s gubernatorial race. Across the country, emboldened parents have run for school board seats with mixed results.
So what has the liberals in Avon with their collective panties in a bunch? The main speaker for the Moms for Liberty event is author James Lindsay, whom the organization advertised as a “leading critic of critical race theory,” the Courant wrote.
According to Keating, Lindsay is a “controversial author” who was banned during the woke days of Twitter but reinstated when Elon Musk purchased the social media platform. According to Keating, Lindsay has allegedly promoted “conspiracy theories” and wrote a book called “Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis.”
Critical race theory advocates that America was founded based on a slavery model and that a majority of the founders, being slaveholders, founded the country on that basis, which is absurd.
Lindsay also wrote the book, “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody.” The event’s location has not yet been announced. However, it is believed it will be held at the Avon Senior Center, where Avon Democrats will protest free speech.
“The Avon Democrats strongly denounced any organization that serves to demonize, dehumanize, and erase entire groups of people,” they said on Facebook.
“We denounce efforts to remove books from libraries, topics from curricula, events and individuals from history lessons, and diverse voices from conversations.
And we denounce the intimidation our educators, librarians, and school administrators are experiencing across Connecticut and the nation because a tiny cross-section of the population is resurrecting ‘purity’ agendas as a tactic to push vulnerable groups into the margins of society.”
They wrote, “The rhetoric espoused by Moms for Liberty and their funders and affiliates is full of homophobic, transphobic, racist, and xenophobic vitriol. We encourage you to research how this group has evolved and what their end game is.”
“Erase entire groups of people.” We would argue that the LGBTQ movement is probably the least marginalized and most visible group in the United States. What other movement gets multiple months and days dedicated to their lifestyle? We guarantee white males get no such recognition.
For their part, and as we wrote in our feature on Moms for Liberty, the group says their mission is being mischaracterized and said they do not believe in banning books. As with the national group, Moms for Liberty wants age-appropriate books in school libraries. Books like “Gender Queer” should not be available for children in first or second grade. Who in their right mind would argue against that?
In a statement, the Hartford County chapter of Moms for Liberty said the following:
“We do want books to be age-appropriate. No book ban or book burning. We are not transphobic or homophobic. LGBTQ+ is well represented in our chapter. We don’t want homophobia or racism or sexism…parents are labeled as an extremist group for saying ‘I raise my children, the government does not.”
Connecticut’s far-left Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz claims Moms for Liberty has a more sinister agenda.
“Moms for Liberty is the group behind the book bans that are occurring all over the country and all over Connecticut,” Bysiewicz told The Courant.
“They are a big source of it, but clearly it’s coming from other places too…if you look at the Moms for Liberty website, it all seems very innocuous…This is really serious, and it means that the voters of Connecticut should be paying close attention to who is running for the board of education and what their priorities are.”
On that note, Bysiewicz is correct. Parents should pay close attention to who is running for the school board. Anyone pushing for pornography (gay or otherwise) in school libraries should be kicked to the curb.
Anyone pushing for drag queen story hours in elementary schools must be soundly defeated in their election. People pushing for the “1619 Project” as serious scholarship shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a board of education.
Bysewicz, relegated to an afterthought on the Democratic state ticket because she is unqualified for anything (think Kamala Harris on a state level), attributed several comments allegedly made by Lindsay, claiming he had said the pride flag is the “flag of a hostile enemy.”
She said Lindsay “is someone that talks about white genocide, which is the eradication of the white race.” Bysiewicz may want to check statements made by Joseph Robinette Biden, who has made similar statements.
In a photo accompanying the Courant article, Bysiewicz was pictured with two women where a Black Lives Matter mural was being unveiled in Hartford last June. Ironically, last week, Black Lives Matter posted on “X” a picture of Hamas terrorists parachuting into Israel, where they would eventually kill over a thousand people, including over 20 Americans. If anyone seeks to commit genocide against a race of people, it is Black Lives Matter, whom Bysiewicz supports.
In his keynote speech at the Moms for Liberty event, Lindsay will discuss his book, “The Marxification of Education,” followed by a panel discussion moderated by author and political analyst L. Todd Wood, a former military pilot who flew missions for Delta Force and Seal Team 6.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left organization that conveniently avoids labeling many leftist groups “extremists,” laughably attributed such label to Moms for Liberty. We won’t waste ink on their propaganda, but suffice it to say SPLC has zero credibility, a fact confirmed by Rose.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center calls everybody extremist,” said Rose, author of 15 books on politics over the past 30 years. “I don’t think, honestly, people who study politics today are really taking the Southern Poverty Law Center’s descriptions and categories of groups as seriously as they once did, Rose said.
"It has become such a far-left group that anybody who is right-of-center is now labeled extremist. I wouldn’t put much stock in what they say. It’s difficult to call Moms for Liberty an extremist group, but it doesn’t surprise me in the least that they put them in that category.”
Connecticut House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora said he knew little about the group. However, he told The Courant that people must tone down the rhetoric.
“What I continually find disturbing is that Democrats are very quick to label people and discard them and are very intolerant to different viewpoints—and I think that’s a very dangerous approach they have been taking,” he said.
“Their continued intolerance for peoples’ views is really trending in an area I have never seen before. As elected officials, we should be listening to what everybody has to say, rather than just attempting to label it and discard it as extremism.”
“It’s the social issues and moral issues that are emerging,” Rose said. “That’s what the Moms for Liberty are concerned about. It’s a new era when it comes to a school board election, where you would think there would be more concern about having a good education as opposed to the issues and the political ramifications of those issues. School boards are a hot area now.”
Earlier this month, Bysiewicz posted on “X” before a sign reading “Banned Books Week 2023.” In that picture, she is holding a book called “Flamer” and another called “Guru.”
The former is basically a gay pornography book that covers topics such as masturbation and ejaculation, including into a bottle and passing it around along with all manner of gay sex. This book is available in school libraries. Guru is about drag “queen” RuPaul and serves as a biography.
Who are the extremists again?
AVON, CT- Let’s get to the point. Liberals love moms groups…except when they don’t. Recently, Law Enforcement Today reported on a conservative mom’s group, Moms for Liberty.
And, unlike other groups painted as “grassroots” groups such as Moms Demand Action, a front group for far-left former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, Moms for Liberty is indeed a grassroots group, founded by two mothers tiring of children being indoctrinated in schools.
All of that has, as expected, made them a target for the left, including left-wing media such as the Hartford Courant. So it was no surprise when a recent “news” story about the group devolved into a cornucopia of leftist talking points.
Moms for Liberty was initially formed in Florida in 2021 in response to mask and vaccine mandates imposed allegedly to “protect” kids from COVID-19.
This virus has little, if any, detrimental effect on kids. Since its formation in 2021, Moms for Liberty has expanded to 285 chapters in 45 states. That is pretty impressive for just over two years.
Of course, any group that comes out against the preferred government narrative automatically gets a target on its back, and Moms for Liberty is no exception.
The organization recently announced it will be holding an event on Oct. 21, and as expected, the ever-tolerant Democrat Party cannot abide that.
According to the Courant, Avon Democrats plan a protest rally outside the event. Avon, comprised of beautiful people who live in multi-million dollar homes and drive $100,000 electric cars, cannot stand opposing points of view in their community.
As Christopher Keating writes in the Courant in his “news” piece, Moms for Liberty is “so contentious” that an opposing group called STOP Moms for Liberty has been hatched.
Moms for Liberty, seeing the direction the country was headed with schools embracing radical concepts like critical race theory and putting boys in girls’ locker rooms, decided to expand their mission. And with Democrats embracing all forms of debauchery, they could not abide that.
As expected, their mission caught fire among conservatives and has drawn Republican presidential candidates such as former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy to speak at their events.
For a long time, mothers in the Republican Party have remained silent, sitting on the sidelines and allowing the screeching voices of women on the political left to be the only female voices heard. That has changed as moms from Virginia to California have seen enough leftist indoctrination of their children.
“Mothers in the Republican Party Have felt that it’s very important to get more control over what’s happening on local school boards and what’s going into the education of their children,” Gary Rose, an author and longtime political science professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT., said.
“The Moms for Liberty movement is actually a potent force in grassroots politics today and is something that we’re going to hear more of.”
Rose noted that much of what drives the group has been cultural issues, including the so-called “woke movement” currently infecting public schools.
“Gender identity, critical race theory, mask mandates, vaccines—it’s all related to what’s happening in public schools, and mothers are very concerned about what their kids are hearing.”
And it is having an effect. Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia rode parental discontent into deposing former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in that state’s gubernatorial race. Across the country, emboldened parents have run for school board seats with mixed results.
So what has the liberals in Avon with their collective panties in a bunch? The main speaker for the Moms for Liberty event is author James Lindsay, whom the organization advertised as a “leading critic of critical race theory,” the Courant wrote.
According to Keating, Lindsay is a “controversial author” who was banned during the woke days of Twitter but reinstated when Elon Musk purchased the social media platform. According to Keating, Lindsay has allegedly promoted “conspiracy theories” and wrote a book called “Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis.”
Critical race theory advocates that America was founded based on a slavery model and that a majority of the founders, being slaveholders, founded the country on that basis, which is absurd.
Lindsay also wrote the book, “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody.” The event’s location has not yet been announced. However, it is believed it will be held at the Avon Senior Center, where Avon Democrats will protest free speech.
“The Avon Democrats strongly denounced any organization that serves to demonize, dehumanize, and erase entire groups of people,” they said on Facebook.
“We denounce efforts to remove books from libraries, topics from curricula, events and individuals from history lessons, and diverse voices from conversations.
And we denounce the intimidation our educators, librarians, and school administrators are experiencing across Connecticut and the nation because a tiny cross-section of the population is resurrecting ‘purity’ agendas as a tactic to push vulnerable groups into the margins of society.”
They wrote, “The rhetoric espoused by Moms for Liberty and their funders and affiliates is full of homophobic, transphobic, racist, and xenophobic vitriol. We encourage you to research how this group has evolved and what their end game is.”
“Erase entire groups of people.” We would argue that the LGBTQ movement is probably the least marginalized and most visible group in the United States. What other movement gets multiple months and days dedicated to their lifestyle? We guarantee white males get no such recognition.
For their part, and as we wrote in our feature on Moms for Liberty, the group says their mission is being mischaracterized and said they do not believe in banning books. As with the national group, Moms for Liberty wants age-appropriate books in school libraries. Books like “Gender Queer” should not be available for children in first or second grade. Who in their right mind would argue against that?
In a statement, the Hartford County chapter of Moms for Liberty said the following:
“We do want books to be age-appropriate. No book ban or book burning. We are not transphobic or homophobic. LGBTQ+ is well represented in our chapter. We don’t want homophobia or racism or sexism…parents are labeled as an extremist group for saying ‘I raise my children, the government does not.”
Connecticut’s far-left Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz claims Moms for Liberty has a more sinister agenda.
“Moms for Liberty is the group behind the book bans that are occurring all over the country and all over Connecticut,” Bysiewicz told The Courant.
“They are a big source of it, but clearly it’s coming from other places too…if you look at the Moms for Liberty website, it all seems very innocuous…This is really serious, and it means that the voters of Connecticut should be paying close attention to who is running for the board of education and what their priorities are.”
On that note, Bysiewicz is correct. Parents should pay close attention to who is running for the school board. Anyone pushing for pornography (gay or otherwise) in school libraries should be kicked to the curb.
Anyone pushing for drag queen story hours in elementary schools must be soundly defeated in their election. People pushing for the “1619 Project” as serious scholarship shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a board of education.
Bysewicz, relegated to an afterthought on the Democratic state ticket because she is unqualified for anything (think Kamala Harris on a state level), attributed several comments allegedly made by Lindsay, claiming he had said the pride flag is the “flag of a hostile enemy.”
She said Lindsay “is someone that talks about white genocide, which is the eradication of the white race.” Bysiewicz may want to check statements made by Joseph Robinette Biden, who has made similar statements.
In a photo accompanying the Courant article, Bysiewicz was pictured with two women where a Black Lives Matter mural was being unveiled in Hartford last June. Ironically, last week, Black Lives Matter posted on “X” a picture of Hamas terrorists parachuting into Israel, where they would eventually kill over a thousand people, including over 20 Americans. If anyone seeks to commit genocide against a race of people, it is Black Lives Matter, whom Bysiewicz supports.
In his keynote speech at the Moms for Liberty event, Lindsay will discuss his book, “The Marxification of Education,” followed by a panel discussion moderated by author and political analyst L. Todd Wood, a former military pilot who flew missions for Delta Force and Seal Team 6.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left organization that conveniently avoids labeling many leftist groups “extremists,” laughably attributed such label to Moms for Liberty. We won’t waste ink on their propaganda, but suffice it to say SPLC has zero credibility, a fact confirmed by Rose.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center calls everybody extremist,” said Rose, author of 15 books on politics over the past 30 years. “I don’t think, honestly, people who study politics today are really taking the Southern Poverty Law Center’s descriptions and categories of groups as seriously as they once did, Rose said.
"It has become such a far-left group that anybody who is right-of-center is now labeled extremist. I wouldn’t put much stock in what they say. It’s difficult to call Moms for Liberty an extremist group, but it doesn’t surprise me in the least that they put them in that category.”
Connecticut House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora said he knew little about the group. However, he told The Courant that people must tone down the rhetoric.
“What I continually find disturbing is that Democrats are very quick to label people and discard them and are very intolerant to different viewpoints—and I think that’s a very dangerous approach they have been taking,” he said.
“Their continued intolerance for peoples’ views is really trending in an area I have never seen before. As elected officials, we should be listening to what everybody has to say, rather than just attempting to label it and discard it as extremism.”
“It’s the social issues and moral issues that are emerging,” Rose said. “That’s what the Moms for Liberty are concerned about. It’s a new era when it comes to a school board election, where you would think there would be more concern about having a good education as opposed to the issues and the political ramifications of those issues. School boards are a hot area now.”
Earlier this month, Bysiewicz posted on “X” before a sign reading “Banned Books Week 2023.” In that picture, she is holding a book called “Flamer” and another called “Guru.”
The former is basically a gay pornography book that covers topics such as masturbation and ejaculation, including into a bottle and passing it around along with all manner of gay sex. This book is available in school libraries. Guru is about drag “queen” RuPaul and serves as a biography.
Who are the extremists again?
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517 days ago | Comment by: Robert
Never were truer words spoken. I support "Moms For Liberty" one hundred percent. B.L.M. = "BLUE LIVES MATTER". Period
517 days ago | Comment by: Robert
Never were truer words spoken. I support "Moms For Liberty" one hundred percent. B.L.M. = "BLUE LIVES MATTER". Period
517 days ago | Comment by: Art
When I was in high school, graduated 1965, what they are teaching 3rd graders today got "XXX" on the movies and more often than not were the subject of 8mm films sold at stores I wasn't even allowed in until I turned 21. I'm not sure which President turned pornography into information for K-12 children, but I remember screening a film at VBPD considered pornographic that, from what I've read lately, is probably available in school libraries today. Only a pervert would want their children to learn some of that stuff, yet we see all kinds of Mothers in the Democratic Party that seem to want their children turned into street walkers.