Newspaper refuses to run 'letter to the editor' from dad who called out radical principal, but gives platform to extreme left

Note from the editor: The Connecticut debacle began after the owner of our parent company went viral on Fox News and other media outlets for exposing what the Granby school district - specifically under the blessing of the elementary school principal - was doing to "groom" kids, as many concerned parents put it.

Another young dad in town, Ali Zafar, who has all but stayed out of politics and controversy his entire life, decided it was time that dads everywhere take a stand to fight for innocent children.

After emotions in the town cooled, Ali decided to submit a respectful and well thought out letter to the editor of The Granby Drummer - a seemingly struggling local newspaper that many argue has worked feverishly to protect and defend the actions of the far-left Principal Greer instead of the innocent children in the school.

It's unclear if Ali Zafar's letter was rejected because he's a conservative... or over what some believe is skyrocketing Islamophobia from many Democrats in the town of Granby.  What IS clear is that there's a double standard at play... and when we received Ali's letter - we decided to give this man the voice he deserves.

Please - if you believe in protecting little kids and exposing those who are fighting to sexualize them - share this piece.  Here are Ali's words.


Law Enforcement Today - I thought you would find this interesting. At times we are referred to as the silent majority. Are we silent or are we silenced? 

I’ve been meaning to share a perspective to provoke reflection and thought in our community. I had cursory conversations, calibrated on what I needed to do, followed the timeline, only to be met with, what I feel as, a form of censorship.

I wrote a piece titled Musings of a father (attached below). My end goal was to share it with the community in our local paper - The Granby Drummer.

That didn’t go according to plan simply because I was being pushed to allow it to run as an op ed piece versus a letter to the editor.

I did not want to do this as I felt they (edited versions) weren’t my words and lost authenticity. After numerous back and forth while I requested it being run as a letter to the editor, I was given an ultimatum for letter to the editor; go with a revised version they provided and they also wouldn’t be able to share the context photo or not go forward.

I also had to respond ASAP as all of sudden all the time was exhausted (not on my part though). I ultimately decided not to go down that route as the revised version wasn’t authentic, lost its true meaning, and was extremely diluted.

I even asked how another longer letter was printed in June (Praise for Principal Greer) but mine can’t be? I was told they just don’t have room due to other letters this time. 

Why can’t any other letters be an op ed and keep my piece authentic? After all they did acknowledge it was a “powerful piece”. Mind you, the difference in that other letter and mine, is 94 words. That’s it! 

I truly feel the bias and censorship are real. It’s not about equal, it’s about special. No opinions are welcome unless they align with the woke agenda and support. 

Musings of a Father 

One of the beautiful characteristics of summer vacation is that it facilitates a break from routine and provides people an opportunity to slow down. Relax. Breathe. Reassess who we are as parents and as a community.

Now that we’ve all had time break away, calm emotions allowing cooler minds to prevail, it’s time to have a conversation. Not as angry parents - but rather as neighbors who have one thing in common; wanting what’s best for ALL of our kids as we head into the school year.  So let’s have a conversation and reflect. 

 “…I will be the first one to stand up for you (pointing to ‘coach’) or anybody else that’s being bullied…” - that statement has changed my life; positively.

I have had numerous parents reach out and share intimate horrific details of the trauma they and their kids have endured pertaining to bullying. Much of which has occurred in Wells Rd under Pauline’s watch.

My heart breaks for these parents not only as a parent, but someone who was repeatedly a victim of bullying growing up in a very rough neighborhood of NYC. It wasn’t until I took a stand for myself, that I was then able to stand up for others being bullied. 

Why is this important? Because it takes one person. One leader.

That one leader can be in any form or size. It’s all about what you believe in, what’s inside you, and what you stand for. That brings me to a very interesting observation.

The principal of Wells Rd, in particular here, is a person in a leadership position. They can drive change and get things done, if they wanted to. A great example of that is a recent video that was shared at that school.

I’ve said what I had to say about the video and the religious freedoms it violated, however following those events Pauline Greer had her staff lined up in front of the school in multi-color shirts representing a rainbow, cascading a message of “Greer’s kindness squad”.

She wanted to deliver a message and she did - it’s what you believe in, what’s inside you, and what you stand for. Whether her direct reports were in agreement or not, they took part showing solidarity. Hey I would too probably if my boss asked me to do something!

Most impressive was the execution of it all. In a short time an idea was conceived. That idea was spread. Agreement was gained. Materials resourced, acquired, and message displayed.

So proudly displayed that she (Pauline) stood in solidarity with the staff to take a photo. This leads me to my question, if I, someone unknown to many, can get parents to share what they and their kids have experienced regarding bullying, why couldn’t Pauline?

In all of her tenure where was the conception of Greer’s anti-bullying squad? Where was this self-labeled ‘Greer’s kindness squad’ when kids were going to sleep hurt - physically and emotionally hurt. Where was ‘Greer’s kindness squad’ when parents needed someone to kindly hear their concerns?

Is anti-bullying not a value Pauline or the schools believe in? Is it not a value inside them? Is it not what they stand for? Is not worth a t-shirt visually showing a child, we are here!

Is Greer’s kindness squad only available in June in multiple colors when the school is open for two weeks? No colors of unity and solidarity available. 

I would encourage my neighbors to reflect on this topic. Clearly if someone wants something done, they can do it; however interestingly enough they chose to remain insouciant and not act.

They chose not to be an example for others when it came to critical topic of bullying. How do we learn and grow from here? How do we rebuild and strengthen the trust entering this new school year and years to come?

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