Remember when "all lives matter" was considered to be racist? Apparently "the squad" has forgotten.

WASHINGTON, DC- Black Lives Matter will probably not like this. Fox News reports that one of the new members of the so-called “Squad,” the gaggle of far-left progressives in the House, declared “all lives (do) matter during a press conference on Capitol Hill Friday. 

Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.), one of the newer and lesser-known members of the group, used the term “all lives do matter” while calling for a ceasefire between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas, who attacked Israel just over a week ago and killed over 1,000 people.

As most have said, Israel was well within its rights, struck back, and has been bombarding the Gaza Strip, where Hamas rules, for over a week. 

“I hope and pray that when we exit this crisis, we will be able to say resoundingly yes, we did enough because we spoke through the noise and we stood firmly in our belief that all lives do matter–as they said when it was our turn–and that each and every one of them is precious,” Lee said. At the same time, members of the squad looked on, some nodding their heads in approval. 

Among those smiling and nodding their heads in approval were far-left Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) who stood behind Lee as she spoke. 

“I thank the leaders of this legislation, of this resolution, I think the leaders who have stood with us, who continue to stand, who continue to come, and that your work will not be in vain and that we call for a ceasefire now,” she continued. 

In the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, by Officer Darren Wilson, acting in self-defense, the Black Lives Matter movement was born. Whenever anyone tried to make the case that “all lives matter,” they were promptly met with condemnation by those in the Black Lives Matter movement and leftist Democrats, who believed “all lives matter” was intended to downplay their perceived concerns. 

The far-left squad has been vocal in opposing the Biden administration’s professed support for Israel. In the case of squad member Rashida Tlaib, she had what amounted to an unhinged breakdown while speaking to opponents of Israel on Capitol Hill last week.

Tlaib has been widely slammed for continuing to push the false narrative that it was Israel and not a Hamas misfire that caused an explosion outside a Gaza hospital last week. 

Both U.S. and Israeli intelligence discovered that the explosion, which in fact took place in a parking lot outside the hospital, was not caused by Israel but instead was a misfired rocket by Hamas terrorists. Hamas initially claimed the explosion killed 500; however, that number has been widely disputed, especially since Hamas is famous for pushing propaganda.

The term “all lives matter” drew particular scorn during the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020, with Democrats also claiming the term “all lives matter” was a “racist” phrase. 

Not where it concerns Hamas, apparently. From an “X” post from Tlaib:

“I cannot believe I have to beg my country and colleagues to value every human life…” [emphasis added]

From the media, which parroted the narrative that “all lives matter” was racist, Karen Attiah of the Washington Post: 

“It should not be controversial to assert that Palestinian lives matter just as much as Israeli lives. Or that Black lives matter just as much as white lives. These are matters of fact. The equality and value of human lives should never be up for debate.” 

Some, such as PsyPost, said use of the phrase constituted “implicit racism and narrow definitions of discrimination.”

“White people who reject the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ in favor of the phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ tend to score higher on assessments of implicit racism against black people and define racism in narrow terms, according to research published in the British Journal of Social Psychology. They are also more likely to endorse color-blind ideologies,” the site reported. 

“Looking at the stats, when someone says ‘All Lives Matter,’ what they’re really saying is something like (1) I have anti-black racist sentiments that I haven’t acknowledged, (2) I prefer not to think about race at all and (3) I define anti-black discrimination in such narrow terms that it’s really hard to recognize it.” 

Needless to say, the squad's sudden new embrace of “all lives matter” was met with derision from the right. 

Posting on “X,” Jon D. Brien wrote: 

“Something is going on. Suddenly, the progressives believe that ALL Lives Matter, and yet I was told that I am a racist, white nationalist, white supremacist, nazi for stating this just a few years ago. I get it; they are evolved thinkers, so now it’s ok. What frauds they all are.” 

@QPsyOps wrote in response to Tlaib: 

“Are you saying ‘All Lives Matter?’ 

Because I remember being called a racist saying the exact same thing and it was people like you that were calling me a racist. 

Go figure huh?” 

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