"Where was God? He was right by your side." The power of prayer in a successful law enforcement career

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Written by: Adam Davis

As a former law enforcement officer and now an author, speaker, and coach, I can tell you prayer has immeasurable power. Now, there are times we are more apt to pray than others.

For example, if we are in need, whether physically, financially, in our relationships, or we are compelled to pray for someone else, we may be more prone to pray than at other times when things are going well.

Do not approach prayer like a genie in a bottle, where you can name your wish and get it. Jesus said in scripture, “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33 NIV)."

There is no escaping death, and we don’t always understand why someone’s life ends. Not everyone experiences physical healing in this life.

This world is not our home, but just because there is trouble should not discourage us from prayer. In fact, it should be the opposite. Because there is trouble in this world, we should be more driven to a dedicated prayer life.

As you carry out your daily duties as law enforcement officers, you often face immense stress, traumatic events, and dangerous situations. This can take a toll on your physical body, as well as your mental and emotional well-being.

However, despite these challenges, prayer is a steadfast source of comfort and strength. I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of prayer to discover peace and foster resilience in the face of adversity.

Throughout my life, there have been times when I prayed more than others, but serving in law enforcement taught me that prayer isn’t something we only do before meals or bedtime or even something we only do during a church service.

Prayer must be a part of our lives as regular and necessary as breathing. It is our connection and communication line with God. 

Aside from the benefits of prayer, it is a healthy spiritual discipline we must strive to keep active in our lives because without it, our faith becomes weakened, and our relationship with God can quickly grow cold. Think about it like other skills you’ve acquired in law enforcement.

Some of those skills are perishable, meaning you will only remain proficient if you practice them regularly. Like going to the gym, training with your weapons, or other skills, you must make prayer a part of your life, more so than the tools you wear on duty. 

Maybe you’ve gotten to a place where prayer has become something you only do, like I did, before meals, bedtime, or during church. If so, may this be a reminder for all of us of the key benefits of a lifestyle of prayer, one so integrated into our daily lives that it becomes second only to breathing.

Here are a few key practical and spiritual benefits of prayer:

An Effective Method for Stress Reduction

Your work environment is often high-stress. Prayer provides a healthy outlet for stress management, promoting relaxation and reducing the physiological effects of stress on the body, such as increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure.

Not that merely a pathway to connecting and communicating with God is not a good enough reason, but there are numerous physiological benefits to regular prayer and meditation in our lives. You are intimately familiar with the chaos and unpredictability of your profession.

You routinely encounter situations that demand rapid decision-making, unwavering courage, and a clear mind. Through all of this, prayer offers a sanctuary of calm and clarity.

Whether through a silent plea for divine guidance or a heartfelt conversation with God, taking a moment to pray can help you manage the stress and burdens you bear.

Resilience Against Burnout

Law enforcement officers can experience higher rates of burnout if stress is not managed. Prayer can serve as an effective weapon against burnout by offering emotional and spiritual sustenance.

Reduced stress through prayer can have positive effects on physical health, potentially lowering the risk of stress-related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. Regular prayer can encourage thoughtful reflection, leading to improved decision-making in complex and challenging situations.

As we connect consistently with God through prayer, we are encouraged to become more self-aware and self-controlled. It allows you to process thoughts and feelings and find emotional balance, which is crucial for maintaining composure in difficult situations.

Coping with Traumatic Events

One of the most challenging aspects of service in law enforcement is bearing witness to and, at times, personally experiencing traumatic events. The calls and scenes you encounter can be distressing, and the emotional toll can become overwhelming if not dealt with properly.

In these moments, prayer is a powerful means of dealing with these issues. It gives you the means to process your emotions in alignment with God’s word, seek divine comfort, and find solace in your relationship with God. It is a wonderful way to meditate on the promises of God, disconnect with the things you experience on duty, and seek comfort in faith.

Prayer provides law enforcement officers with a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. It can serve as a valuable tool for stress management, emotional regulation, resilience-building, and maintaining a strong sense of purpose.

Fostering Resilience through Spiritual Connection

Resilience is the ability to rebound from adversity and continue to serve; it is an indispensable trait for you as a law enforcement professional. Prayer plays an instrumental role in nurturing and sustaining this resilience.

It fosters a profound spiritual connection, constantly reminding you that you are not alone in your career of service to your community. This connection can become a wellspring of strength and motivation.

Seeking Divine Guidance and Protection

As a law enforcement officer, you frequently place yourself in harm’s way to safeguard others. In times of danger, many still turn to prayer to seek divine guidance and protection.

I have personally talked with many officers who have compelling stories of narrowly escaping harm or making critical, life-saving decisions, and they attribute these outcomes to the result of prayer.

Promoting Mental Health and Well-being

The mental health of law enforcement officers has become a topic discussed more frequently in recent years. The cumulative stress, trauma, and long hours can impact the well-being of those who serve.

Prayer assumes a pivotal role in self-care. It offers a safe haven to articulate fears, anxieties, and doubts. Furthermore, empirical studies have demonstrated that engaging in spiritual practices like prayer can mitigate stress and enhance overall mental health.

Prayer is a powerful weapon for you to use throughout your law enforcement career. It leads to a place where you can experience peace like no other.

It serves as a sanctuary of tranquility amidst turmoil, a source of solace amidst trauma, a wellspring of resilience through spiritual connection, a means to seek divine guidance and protection, and a pillar of support for mental health.

It represents an unwavering source of comfort and strength that empowers you to confront the trials you encounter and continue serving your communities.


Gergen, Christopher, and Gregg Vanourek. 2008. “Three Ways to Beat Burnout.” Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2008/12/three-ways-to-beat-burnout.

“Law Enforcement Agency and Officer Resilience Training Program.” n.d. International Association of Chiefs of Police. Accessed September 19, 2023. https://www.theiacp.org/projects/law-enforcement-agency-and-officer-resilience-training-program.

“Top Ways to Reduce Stress (and Save Your Heart).” 2018. Beaumont Health. https://www.beaumont.org/health-wellness/blogs/top-ways-to-reduce-stress-and-save-your-heart.

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