Law and order

Study: Chinese naval vessels could penetrate U.S. and allies' military radar systems

01.14.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Chinese scientists claim that with new passive radar technology, Chinese naval assets could penetrate U.S. and Allied Radar Systems.
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Texas National Guard blocking Border Patrol in Eagle Pass 'in any operational capacity' - and Border Patrol is grateful (but Biden is mad)

01.13.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The Texas National Guard has seized a riverside park in Eagle Pass, TX where illegal immigrants typically cross into the U.S. denying the U.S. Border Patrol and Dept. of Homeland Security access to the area.
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'Resign or we will impeach you': House Homeland Security Committee destroys Mayorkas over 'treasonous invasion'

01.11.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' impeachment is set to move forward with the first of three inquiry hearings before the committee beginning Wednesday.
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Here it comes: AOC proposes blanket amnesty — 'path to citizenship' for over eight million illegal immigrants

01.10.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has proposed that a path to citizenship be opened for the more than 8 million illegal immigrants who have criminally entered the United States.
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Governor bans transgender surgery on minors - but skeptics ask: 'What about chemical castration?'

01.10.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH) signed an executive order Friday banning the practice of 'transgender' surgery on minors.
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NYC - an apparent "sanctuary city" - files lawsuit against bus lines carrying illegal immigrants into the Big Apple

01.08.24 | Matthew Holloway News

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is now pursuing legal action against the bus lines that have transported illegal immigrants from Texas to New York, demanding the companies support the illegal immigrants financially.
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Pittsburgh police union warns staffing shortage puts public at risk - police chief says there's nothing to see here

01.08.24 | Pat Droney News

In 2023, 102 officers left the Pittsburgh police department through a combination of resignations and retirements; the police union believes the shortage of officers is a public safety risk, while the chief of police claims the city is in good shape.
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Biden administration to provide ID cards to illegals that they may eventually be able to use at airport checkpoints

01.08.24 | Pat Droney News

The Biden administration is planning to roll out something called the "Secure Docket Card," which illegal aliens will be able to use to "access a variety of government services," in addition, an ICE official said they may eventually be used by illegal aliens at TSA checkpoints in order to travel.
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Within two weeks, half of town police officers resign, citing a 'toxic' environment with the village board

01.07.24 | Jenna Curren Analysis

The Big Bend Police Department is now only staffed with one full time officer and five part-time officers after an exodus that chopped the department in half.
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Police chief and city manager pen letter to Biden asking for funds to provide resources to 'rapid increase' of immigrants

01.07.24 | Jenna Curren News

The police chief and city manager of Whitewater have sent a letter to Joe Biden asking the White House for funds to help with the rapid increase of migrants their city has seen over the last year.
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BLM Branch co-founder: Democrats have 'manipulation' of the black community 'down to a science'

01.06.24 | Matthew Holloway News

BLM Rhode Island co-founder and Trump supporter Mark Fisher told Newsmax Tuesday that Democrats have the manipulation of the black community "down to a science."
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Reps. propose Constitutional amendment barring illegal immigrants from counting in states' Congressional representative allotment

01.06.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Two Republican Congressmen have proposed a new Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would heavily reduce California's advantage in Congress.
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Biden Admin's National Transportation Safety Board considering speed limiters on all new cars

01.06.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The Biden NTSB is now considering the implementation of Speed Limiters on all motor vehicles sold in the United States.
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California 's blatantly unconstitutional, anti-2A law 'openly defiant of the Supreme Court' takes effect

01.04.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed an injunction against S.B. 2 Saturday that allows a law "repugnant to the Second Amendment," to take effect. 
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Biden administration warns Texas they're going to be sued for stopping an invasion at the border

01.04.24 | Mitchell McKinley Editorial

The Biden administration warned the state of Texas and its governor, Greg Abbott, that they would sue the border state if they proceeded to implement their new law.
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