Failing Connecticut newspaper writes puff piece on drag queen who calls himself a 'queer minister'

The following is an editorial piece that expresses the opinion of the writer. 

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.”- Deut. 22:5

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared.”- 1 Tim 4:1-2

“And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day–just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.”- Jude 1:6-7

As if out of nowhere, we are being inundated with drag queens throughout the country. Drag queens in libraries, drag queens in the military, drag queens in schools, and yes, drag queens in churches. 

Let us introduce you to a “drag church” organization, Theology Queen, LLC. This group was started by James Admans, otherwise known as “Marge Erin Johnson,” a drag queen, who refers to himself as a “queer minister.” 

For those who follow the Bible, the three verses above contradict how a “church” could advocate for “drag” ministers. Yet here we are. 

The Hartford Courant, which has lost pretty much any modicum of respect, recently published a glowing article about Admans and his organization. Admans says being a drag queen isn’t a hobby but a “religious calling.” 

Admans graduated in 2021 from the Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Lest you think this is your normal seminary, it boasts student organizations such as the “Queer Caucus,” “Fierce (Caucus for Queer P.O.C.),” “Latinx Caucus” (a term Latinos despise), and pretty much every so-called “marginalized” institution in existence. 

Admans is hired by “churches,” where he takes to the pulpit in hopes of connecting with the alphabet community and other members of the respective congregations. “It provides a nonjudgmental sacred space for people to express themselves proudly,” his website says.

“When you go to a service led by a drag queen, it could be spiritually healing,” Admans told the Courant. “It’s a celebration of how wonderfully created we all are. You can show up as your authentic self. What God created you to be.” 

“Authentic.” Right. 

Admans has thrown down with the pronoun parade, asking to be identified as “they, them, their.” We won’t abide by that silliness. 

In what comes as a surprise to nobody, Admans is a minister for the United Church of Christ, which has been taken over by someone other than God (you know, the other guy). Throughout Connecticut and beyond, the U.C.C. has become obsessed with the rainbow coalition. For example, in Enfield, the historic Enfield Congregational Church, a landmark in that town, has been co-opted by a “pastor” whose entire shtick is pushing the alphabet agenda. 

As expected, Admans doesn’t put on these performances for free. According to the Courant, he charges a sliding fee between $200 to $500 per appearance, based on the church’s size and ability to pay. However, he claims his primary mission (besides padding his wallet) is “to educate and heal.” 

The UCC is entirely down with Admans’ performance art, with an official from the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ, claiming to be “very excited” about Admans’ mockery of the Christian faith. 

“Because drag is so vilified in our culture right now, even people who want to support drag performers don’t always have a good understanding of what drag is,” said Rev. Noah Brewer Wallin, assistant director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at the district. “It can be difficult to parse how drag is both related to and distinct from sexual orientation and gender identity,” he said. 

“I’m grateful that James offers themself as an educational resource as part of this ministry, giving church attendees the chance to ask questions and honestly explore.” 

In a bizarre statement coming from a “man of the cloth,” Brewer-Wallin said he believes drag “belongs in the church,” calling it “a form of creative expression in which people reflect back the creative nature of God.” 

“Drag is often playful and irreverent. Playfulness and irreverence is an invitation to enjoy our God-given bodies that giggle and belly laugh, and to see the sacred all around us even in the places where we have been taught that God and the sacred don’t belong,” Brewer-Wallin told the Courant. 

He then claimed that drag is a “justice issue,” claiming “they threaten the ability of all people to express themselves the way we want to.” He then made a bizarre analogy comparing that to women wanting to wear pants. Yes, he said that. 

So, men who want to play dress up and pretend to be women is now a “justice issue.” In the past, they would have been taken away and put in an institution. 

If anyone thinks the world (in particular the U.S.) isn’t ready for Christ’s return, the story of drag pastors should settle it. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed due to irreverent evil, and it appears the U.S. is headed in that direction. Even more amazing is that the rainbow crowd picks and chooses parts of the Bible to justify their march toward Satan. 

They claim the story of Joseph’s “coat of many colours” described in Gen. 37-50 somehow justifies their immorality.  

According to Admans: 

“I love the story of Joseph in Genesis. There is a queer theological interpretation that the coat of many colors resembles a princess dress. Scholars aren’t sure how to translate this accurately. It’s been called a beautiful robe, an ornamental robe.” 

That’s what Moses thought when he wrote Genesis…drag queens. Admans claims that Joseph is one of several figures in the Bible who “can be identified as non-conforming.” 

Admans claims that homosexuality wasn’t a term referred to in the Bible until later translations, claiming the new translations perpetuate discrimination against the alphabet community. 

“Prior to this, the passages that we now associate with homosexuality used different terminology and were interpreted in various ways, often focusing on behaviors like temple sex work or non-consensual sexual acts,” he said. 

“The introduction of the word homosexual into the Bible was a result of evolving language and societal context. This change had significant implications, as it fundamentally altered the interpretation of these passages and has been used to justify discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community,” Admans said. 

Perhaps Admans should familiarize himself with Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13- “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” That seems pretty clear about where God and Jesus stand with the gay lifestyle. 

Genesis 1:27 reads: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” 

There isn’t much room for interpretation in that verse—male…female…period. 

The Courant article writes that Admans got into the whole drag shtick out of boredom during the COVID pandemic, claiming he had thought about it for a while because he felt “intimidated.” 

“A lot of people found out about themselves in lockdown. I found drag,” Admans said. 

At the suggestion of a classmate at divinity school, he decided to create his alternate identity, Marge Erin Johnson. 

“Someone else saw the potential. She saw how the spirit was at work during that ministry.” 

Some, however, feel that drag performers may require psychological intervention. A piece in Daily Nexus suggests that cross-dressing is a psychological disorder. 

“Gender Identity Disorder is a mental condition that causes people to identify themselves as members of the opposite sex. Responses to these feelings range from discomfort with one’s own body to cross-dressing–as displayed by the drag queens–to gender reassignment surgery, or a ‘sex change,” the author wrote. 

Referring to drag queens, the author wrote, “They need psychiatric care to help them come to accept the body that they have been given and learn to be happy with themselves without playing an elaborate game of dress-up.” 

However, that hasn’t stopped individuals like Admans, who are encouraged by individuals such as Sandra Montes, dean of the chapel at Union Theological Seminary. 

“I am a drag lover and have always wanted to do some kind of drag eucharist or church service,” Montes said. “We all want to be seen. We all want to belong. We turn to religion and faith for comfort, for acceptance. Many of us have been told we’re not good enough, particularly by colonized Christianity that is, unfortunately, tied to white supremacy and white evangelical corruption.” 

Bingo, there it is…it is the white people’s fault! 

“Marge [Adman] teaches that queerness and faith do not have to be at odds but can coexist and even be beautifully interwoven to create a profound spiritual life,” Admans said. “Marge’s message is one of inclusion and acceptance, promoting the understanding that all are welcome at the table of Jesus.” 

Armageddon cannot come soon enough. 

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Great article ! When asked by His disciples regarding signs of the end times, Christ specifically warned His disciples 3 times beginning with "Do not be deceived".

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