
Greg Hoyt

Gregory Hoyt is owner & editor of TheBreakdownNews.com and current host of the web series “The Breakdown with Greg Hoyt.” A former Red Voice Media contributor based out of Sierra Vista, Arizona, Hoyt is a staunch and outspoken advocate of law enforcement and first responders, while also harboring the unique experience of having spent nearly 5 years in prison. Since then, he's used his distinct perspective to offer support and commentary about the criminal justice system.

Man stunned by $1.48 million speeding ticket after going 35mph over the speed limit

10.22.23 | Greg Hoyt Analysis

A man going 35 mph over the speed limit in Savannah, Georgia, was understandably floored when he learned the citation was for $1.48 million.
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Democrat town attorney caught publicly bashing police officer - who is suing the mayor for a denied promotion

10.20.23 | Greg Hoyt Editorial

A township attorney has come under fire after publicly doling out an unsavory opinion aimed at a Cranford Police officer who is actively suing the local mayor.
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Got him! Teen suspect arrested in murder of police officer - and here's what they used to lock him up

10.18.23 | Greg Hoyt News

Authorities in New Jersey arrested a teen suspected to be involved in the murder of a Philadelphia Police officer during a confrontation over a suspected vehicle break-in.
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Not all heroes wear capes: Police in New Jersey save worker after being electrocuted

10.18.23 | Greg Hoyt News

Police in New Jersey helped rescue a worker who was electrocuted on the job while performing building renovations in Morristown.
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Chicagoland: Man who pointed gun at off-duty cop sentenced to 12 years, could be out in just over three

10.17.23 | Greg Hoyt News

A 28-year-old man with an extensive criminal record given a 12-year sentence for pointing a gun at an off-duty cop could be out of prison in as little as three years.
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Michigan teen’s suicide lead police and FBI to uncover online ‘sextortion’ scheme

10.17.23 | Greg Hoyt News

The suicide of a Michigan teen last year led local authorities and the FBI to a ‘sextortion’ ring being ran in part by a group of Nigerians.
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Chicago officer runs entire marathon while wearing full uniform and 30 pounds of gear

10.15.23 | Greg Hoyt News

A Chicago Police officer left onlookers in awe when he tackled the entire Chicago Marathon while wearing his full uniform and approximately thirty pounds in gear.
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Modern rock icon Ronnie Radke says what many are thinking about Biden’s presidency

10.14.23 | Greg Hoyt Opinion

Falling in Reverse lead singer Ronnie Radke turned heads online after posting on social media that Biden has become "the worst president in history."
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Male nanny convicted of molesting 16 boys, aged two to 12; faces life in prison

10.13.23 | Greg Hoyt News

A 34-year-old man who previously worked as a nanny is facing up to life in prison after being convicted of molesting over a dozen boys in his care during his time as a nanny.
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Terror threat? NYPD prepares for the worst here in America over Israel conflict, calls every officer to report in

10.13.23 | Greg Hoyt News

With concerns that mass protests could become violent, the NYPD is reportedly stepping up patrols due to the heated, juxtaposed takes on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
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Christian teacher fired over refusal to teach 'extreme' LGBT lessons to students

10.12.23 | Greg Hoyt Analysis

A Christian teacher was reportedly fired after the educator refused to teach her pupils lesson plans surrounding “extreme” LGBT propaganda.
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City officials in Denver plead with Texas border towns to discourage illegal aliens from travelling to their city

10.12.23 | Greg Hoyt Analysis

City officials in Denver are reportedly pleading with officials in Texas border towns to begin discouraging illegal aliens from traveling to their city.
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Russia suspected of laying groundwork for nuclear test, stirring global concerns

10.10.23 | Greg Hoyt News

There are concerns that Russia is “paving the way” to nuclear testing, a move which could stir up global tensions and give the greenlight to other countries to reignite their nuclear testing.
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Participant on Netflix show ‘Love is Blind’ sues producers over alleged sexual assault

10.09.23 | Greg Hoyt News

A participant from the Netflix series “Love is Blind” has filed suit against the show’s producers over an alleged sexual assault that transpired during the show’s filming in 2022.
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NYPD officials reportedly in Israel while attack launched by Hamas

10.09.23 | Greg Hoyt News

NYPD officials were present in Israel attending a training near the Gaza Strip when purported members of Hamas launched an attack mere miles away from the training center.
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