"There is a great sacrifice that is going to be required in this moment, sacrifices we are prepared to make to ensure that this city is not chaotic and is not riddled with desperate people." Read More.
A bill that will impose an 11 percent tax from the sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts and ammunition is likely to be signed by the governor. Read More.
"I believe that education and open dialogue are key to building trust and understanding between police officers and the communities they serve." Read More.
"Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City." Read More.
Supporters believe having cameras in classrooms will “increase the role of parents” with the added benefit of seeing what teachers teach their children. Read More.
"Your guns are not safe in a Liberty Safe. Return them immediately. Cancel any orders. They will give your passcode to the feds. Just ask Nathan Hughes.” Read More.