
Sen. Rubio: FBI says ISIS operating a trafficking network smuggling illegals into America

03.27.24 | Pat Droney News

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told ABC host Jonathan Karl on "This Week" that FBI Dir. Christopher Wray told him ISIS is operating a trafficking network smuggling illegals into the United States, and warned a "Moscow-style" attack in the U.S. isn't out of the question.
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Illinois parole official resigns after vote to release violent felon, which resulted in death of a child

03.27.24 | Eddie Killian Analysis

LeAnn Miller, a member of the Illinois Prisoner Review Board, resigned from her position after recommending the release of Brand, a felon with a history of violence.
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Chicago: $300 million spent on illegal immigrants for feeding, housing, and operational challenges

03.26.24 | Eddie Killian News

Despite the enormous cost, formal complaints have been filed by shelter residents for issues related to the quality, temperature, and spiciness of the food served in the temporary shelters.
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Two high school staff members facing charges after allegedly taping a student to a chair

03.26.24 | Jenna Curren News

Two staff members from West Clermont High School have been let go after allegedly taping a student to a chair in what started out as a "joke. "
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Lt. governor praises Gov. Youngkin's veto of bills, including one that would allow illegal immigrants to be police officers

03.26.24 | Pat Droney News

Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears praised Gov. Glenn Youngkin's veto of 22 ill-conceived measures, including one that would have allowed illegal aliens to become police officers.
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'It doesn't add up': Maryland town suspends entire police force, leaving residents seeking answers

03.26.24 | Eddie Killian News

Last week, Ridgely's three-member commission announced on the town's website that they had "suspended with pay the entirety of the Ridgely Police Department."
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January 6 crybaby Adam Kinzinger got rich playing off his Oscar-worthy performances during J6 hearings

03.26.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Former Illinois representative Adam Kinzinger has parlayed his Trump Derangement Syndrome on display throughout the J6 Select Committee hearings into a lucrative cash cow.
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Retired radical justice Stephen Breyer gaslights America about the Second Amendment

03.26.24 | LET Guest Editorial

Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer wants America to know that today’s high court isn’t pragmatic. For good measure, he declares that he is, especially when it comes to interpretating law.
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US Army prepared to implement 'Army Retiree Recall' Program...but why?

03.25.24 | Pat Droney Analysis

The United States Army issued a publishing directorate authorizing the "Utilization of the Army Retiree Recall Program"; is this for increased operations in Ukraine, or for the election year variant of an unknown bioweapons?
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After $1.2 trillion bill passes, DOJ launches of Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center... how convenient

03.25.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

The day after 101 RINO Republicans voted to support a $1.2 trillion 1,000-page-plus spending bill, the DOJ announced the launch of a gun-grabbing Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center. They're coming after your guns.
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California man arrested after removing a leg from fatal train accident site and feasting upon it

03.25.24 | Eddie Molina News

A man was recorded on camera carrying the leg of a person who was killed and dismembered after being struck by a train. Video recorder heard saying, “He’s eating that sh**!”
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AMBER Alert turns up tragic as five-year-old body discovered, woman charged

03.25.24 | Eddie Molina News

Columbus police find the body of a five-year-old in a sewage drain after an AMBER alert, a legal guardian taken into custody and charged with murder.
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CA police department setting the internet ablaze with LEGO headshots, and LEGO is pretty pissed

03.25.24 | Eddie Molina Opinion

The Murrieta Police Department is creatively complying with a new law by using Lego characters and creative write-ups.
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Great American Warrior: Amanda ‘AK’ Dozanti, equipping first responders to overcome their struggles

03.25.24 | Eddie Molina Editorial

Amanda, who goes by AK, has dedicated her life to helping First Responders with their wellness. Now it has spread online with her weekly wellness series exclusively for LET.
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'This was no accident': Hundreds of thousands of immigrant deportation cases dismissed due to failure to file paperwork

03.24.24 | Sarah Akey Opinion

Biden's incompetent DHS has caused hundreds of thousands of deportation cases to be dismissed due to missing paperwork.
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