
To avoid hurting their feelings, Washington state Democrats change how they refer to sex offenders

01.25.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

Democrats in Washington State want to put a convicted sex offender on a Sex Offender Policy Board alongside victims of sex offenders; also want to use "person-first" language to describe sex offenders; this after advocating for pedophiles to have community-based alternative incarceration
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Popular data source for gun-grabbers logged 'non-violent' incidents as 'gun violence'

01.25.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

One of the most prominent anti-second amendment statistics websites was exposed for demonstrably conflating accidental incidents in which no one was shot or injured with "school shootings."
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Illinois sheriffs refuse to enforce 'unconstitutional' gun and magazine ban

01.25.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

Several Illinois Sheriffs have joined in their refusal to enforce or support a blatantly unconstitutional gun ban that flies in the face of the Supreme Court's ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen.
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NSSF: Americans charted a record book year for firearms in 2023, and 2024 is looming large too

01.25.24 | LET Guest Editorial

Santa and his reindeer apparently got an extra workout in delivering presents this year under the tree. They were carrying around the extra weight of new firearms to millions of Americans thirsty to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
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Can the justice system help violent people with mental health issues?

01.25.24 | Leonard Sipes Editorial

The simple answer for the lack of money for correctional treatment is, quite simply, that they have questionable track records of success.
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"Something has to change": Innovative policing efforts bring hope in ending the opioid crisis

01.25.24 | Kyle S. Reyes Editorial

The US has increasingly grappled with an opioid epidemic of unprecedented scale, with law enforcement and other members of the first responder community left on the front lines to grapple with its devastating effects
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Under attack? Tens of thousands of Chinese illegals detained, released at the southern border

01.25.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

Normally allowing military-aged men from one of our greatest adversaries would get people thrown in jail; not so under the Biden administration, whose Swiss cheese border policies have allowed tens of thousands of Chinese, mostly military-aged males, into the country
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Bombshell report: American Red Cross supplied docs, maps to lead Illegal Immigrants to resources in the U.S.

01.24.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The American Red Cross has reportedly been providing illegal immigrants with detailed maps and instructions on services they can benefit from once they enter the U.S. illegally.
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Analysis: Will society entirely fall apart in America because of a collapse of the EBT system?

01.24.24 | LET Guest Editorial

Over the last 30 years, discussions about potential threats have evolved from basic crime to terrorism and everything in between.
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"What do they know?" Defense Dept report warns future pandemics will target specific genomes, races

01.24.24 | Pat Droney Analysis

A report by the Rand Corporation partially funded by the Secretary of Defense shows that future plagues and pandemics will likely target specific genomes, races, leading to concerns of a genocide making the Holocaust look minor in comparison.
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"Decreasing violence"? DOJ report shows largest spike EVER in violent crime

01.24.24 | Leonard Sipes Editorial

In the midst of claims about decreasing violence rates, a crucial report from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) reveals a startling 44 percent increase in violent crime, marking the largest spike ever recorded.
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Hundreds of Biden staffers, federal employees planned to 'walk out' to protest the White House's support of Israel

01.24.24 | Jenna Curren News

Hundreds of Biden staffers and other federal employees set to "walk out" on Tuesday, January 16th, in an effort to protest the White House's support of Israel. Calling it a "Day of Mourning," marking 100 days since Israel's siege on Gaza.
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NSSF: President Biden's campaign talks freedom but vows to shatter Second Amendment rights

01.24.24 | LET Guest Editorial

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is starting to stir from its slumber and, in a repeat of the 2020 election, they’ve got their sights set on eliminating Second Amendment rights.
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Tacoma officers slam police chief's 'woke, disgusting statement' after officers acquitted in death of suspect

01.24.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Tacoma Police Chief Avery Moore angered the rank and file of his department after three officers received $500,000 payouts to resign after they were acquitted in the death of a suspect. Officers slammed the chief, calling him "out of touch" and said he was pandering to the criminal element of the city.
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Biden admin picks far-left Southern Poverty Law Center to help advise on the 'domestic terror threat'

01.22.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Republican lawmakers are slamming the Biden administration after it was revealed it is using the far-left, anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center to advise the administration about the "domestic terror threat." SPLC has designated the Family Research Council, the Center for Immigration Studies, and other right-leaning groups as "hate groups" while ignoring BLM and Antifa
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