
Revolutionizing law enforcement: Is artificial intelligence going to completely revamp policing in America?

01.28.24 | LET Guest Editorial

Law enforcement leaders, real leaders- those who effect change and positive disruption in their agencies as opposed to just keeping the status quo- will embrace AI in policing.
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Texas can nullify the Supreme Court ruling on illegal immigrants! 'Sanctuary cities' and marijuana legalization opened the door

01.27.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

Thanks to Democrat policies of "sanctuary" jurisdictions and marijuana "decriminalization," the doctrine of nullification isn't a political fiction today. It's a reality.
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Border escalation: 25 state governors support Texas; 10 states have deployed troops and law enforcement officers

01.27.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

The border confrontation between Biden Administration federal officers and Texas National Guard and law enforcement has escalated significantly, with 25 state governors pledging support and at least ten states sending troops and law enforcement to Texas.
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Slap in the face: Army stops allowing deployed soldiers to store cars, belongings at military bases

01.27.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

Previously, soldiers on deployment were allowed to store personal vehicles, property on base; however the Army implemented a policy in October that no longer permits that as a matter of routine.
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A wall could've cost less: Biden's DHS shells out over $20 BILLION on 'asylum seekers'

01.27.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

Looking at how much the Biden administration has spent feeding, sheltering, and supporting illegal immigrants and so-called 'asylum seekers,' building the wall would've likely been cheaper.
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Connecticut Democrat admits to blatantly violating the state's public election financing program

01.27.24 | Pat Droney Analysis

Trevor Crow, who lost her 2022 election for CT State Senate in the 36th District, recently admitted at a Greenwich Democratic Town Committee meeting that she violated the Citizen's Election Program, which provides public financing for candidates running for state offices; she violated the fundraising limits by over $30,000, and the chairman of the CT Republican Party wants an investigation.
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Time to pay up: Colorado city pays out nearly $430k to acquitted former police officer

01.27.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Former Police Officer Nathan Woodyard was paid almost $430k following his acquittal in the death of Elijah McClain and resignation from the Aurora PD.
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The Exodus Road: Meet the group partnering with law enforcement globally to end human trafficking

01.27.24 | Kallista Cazares Editorial

Partnership with law enforcement is vital to nonprofits like The Exodus Road to fight to end human trafficking.
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Report: US military under Biden 'weak' —'significant risk of not being able to defend America’s vital national interests'

01.26.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

The Heritage Foundation's 2024 military index has been released. The index is an independent assessment of our military readiness conducted by expert defense analysts, and the prognosis is grim.
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Vermont shootings have increased 185% following influx of Somali refugees, police defunded by 30%

01.26.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The Burlington, VT murder rate has jumped 185% following BLM-led defunding fo the Police and an influx of Somali refugees.
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Twenty-six illegal immigrant sex offenders arrested in two-day operation

01.26.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Over two dozen illegal immigrant sex offenders were captured in a two-day operation by the Los Angeles Enforcement and Removal Operations of Customs and Border Patrol.
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Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence report calls for the effective end of the Second Amendment

01.26.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

A report calling for the severe curtailment of our Second Amendment rights was released by the John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. In short: it's a counter-constitutional nightmare.
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Buried story resurfaces, exposing that US military bought fake military equipment from China

01.26.24 | Matthew Holloway News

A New York man was charged with running an operation selling counterfeit equipment to the U.S. military and government agencies that could have seen American servicemembers killed for trusting their issued gear.
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Great American Warrior: Katherine Boyle is forging pathways to help the entire LEO family

01.26.24 | Eddie Molina Editorial

Trudy Jacobson would like to honor and recognize Katherine Boyle as a Great American Warrior for her dedication and commitment to finding ways to help both LEOs and their families with Beyond the Uniform.
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Analysis: Only 10% of violent crimes involved a firearm during the attack

01.26.24 | Leonard Sipes Analysis

According to the latest report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice based on the National Crime Victimization Survey, firearms are used in just 10 percent of violent crimes.
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