Mitch has been married to his amazing wife for over 27 years. He has four beautiful kids. The Texas native spent 8 years in the US Army. He is a man of faith and a patriot. Mitch has been writing for LET since March of 2019.
It’s time to wake up, neighbors and citizens. The radical left is aggressively trying to take over and hijack education boards, and that's just the start. Read More.
While his office denies knowledge of the raid, Mayor Eric Adams cancelled a meeting with the President of the United States to rush back after the news. Read More.
Many groups claim to support the veteran community, only to prey on them. Luckily, Veteran Mortgage Services does what they say they will do, which is help veterans. Read More.
Have our elected officials forgotten that their jobs are to execute the will of the people? According to to one Congressman, most in DC do not care what the American people want.
Read More.