
Noah Webster

Noah Webster is a pseudonym for a former police officer who served over 33 years in law enforcement. Noah is forced to use a pseudonym to protect his family and current employment status. He is a long-time contributing writer to Law Enforcement Today.
Biden admin rule will put a stake through the US energy industry, force electricity prices higher

04.29.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to issue a rule that will spell a virtual end for the coal industry in the US; coal currently powers a significant number of electric generating plants in the country.
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Georgia fourth graders shown video of puppet show where dog is identifying as a cat

04.23.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

A school district in Georgia is showing fourth graders a video of a dog puppet who identifies as a cat as part of a lesson on "acceptance."
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Palestinian woman seeking to escape 'genocide' caused by Hamas uses GoFundMe to fund her journey

03.23.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

A Palestinian woman seeking to leave Gaza while blaming Israel for a "genocide" is using crowdfunding site GoFundMe to finance her escape.
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Looming disaster: Lowering police fitness standards exactly the thing that won't have results politicians hope for

03.22.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

Cities like Philadelphia and Nashville are lowering fitness standards to attract more women, however, the lessons learned in Memphis show aiming for diversity can lead to bad results
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Biden regime in cahoots with UN in providing interest free loans to illegals to travel to the US

03.16.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

The Biden administration, in collusion with the United Nations IOM Migration Program, is providing interest-free loans (that don't have to be paid back) to illegals to assist them in getting to the US.
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How long before DEI programs in our nation's airlines get a lot of people killed?

03.11.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

Last week, four incidents occurred involving passenger aircraft, continuing a disturbing trend of close calls and mechanical issues. Is DEI to blame? Given the recent focus on it, that is possible.
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Creepy - or war plans? Why does the government want to register 'community gardens' in a national database?

03.10.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

The USDA announced a program to "register" local gardens in a national database. Given the government's overreach in every segment of our lives, what is the motivation behind this?
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Radical state treasurer attacks Connecticut lawmakers for daring to protect innocent children

03.06.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

Connecticut State Treasurer Erick Russell, who reminds us he is "a gay man," outs five CT legislators proposing bills to protect parents' rights and girls' sports; Russell needs to stay in his lane.
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Female inmate forced to share cell with trans male who was convicted of repeatedly raping his daughter

02.28.24 | Noah Webster Analysis

An inmate at a female prison is forced to share here cell with a trans male who masturbates repeatedly and who was convicted of repeatedly raping his daughter
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Was an emergency drill in Colorado a dry run for an 'election year variant' of a bioweapon?

02.25.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

Three hospitals in Colorado Springs, along with the FBI, conducted an emergency drill last week over a simulated bioweapons attack. Could this by a dry run for the next "election year variant" of some type of bioweapon?
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Burn an American flag? No problem. Do a burnout on a 'pride mural' painted on the road? Get the book thrown at you.

02.17.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

Police in Delray, Florida spent a week investigating an incident where someone "blew donuts" on a pride "mural" painted on a roadway in the city, arresting a man for reckless driving, felony criminal mischief, and damage to property. Some want him charged with a "hate crime."
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Drag queen story hour in CT canceled due to 'threats'... but there are no screenshots or a police report

02.05.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

A drag queen story hour hosted by a PRIDE group affiliated with a local church in Enfield, CT was canceled after alleged "threats" against the event were received; however there is no evidence that ever occurred...no screenshots, no police report.
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Tampon dispenser installed in CT high school boys' room ripped off the wall 20 minutes after installation

02.04.24 | Noah Webster Editorial

Only 20 minutes after it was installed, a tampon dispenser installed in a boys' bathroom in Brookfield, CT. was ripped off the wall, greatly upsetting the school's principal
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Texas standoff with Biden and proposed bill outlawing 'militias' is a 'perfect storm' of monumental consequence

01.27.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

With Gov. Greg Abbott defying the Supreme Court ala the Biden administration, leading to a potential standoff between state and federal law enforcement, and a proposal in Congress to outlaw so-called "militias," are we setting up for another Fort Sumpter moment?
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Woke Tacoma police chief pays off three acquitted officers $500,000 to resign, personally attacks the cops

01.21.24 | Noah Webster Editorial

After three of his officers were acquitted in the death of a drug addict, Tacoma's police chief accused all police of engaging in "oppression, abuse, and dehumanization." The kind of "leader" all cops "strive" to work for.
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