
Noah Webster

Noah Webster is a pseudonym for a former police officer who served over 33 years in law enforcement. Noah is forced to use a pseudonym to protect his family and current employment status. He is a long-time contributing writer to Law Enforcement Today.
Follow the science? Student flunked by teacher for saying 'only men have penises' and 'only women can get pregnant'

12.18.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

A high school student flunked a quiz after answering "true" to "only men can have penises" and "only women can have babies" on a World History quiz.
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Racism: Boston's "diverse" Asian mayor excludes white city council members from holiday party

12.15.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

Boston's intersectional Asian mayor excludes white city council members from "Electeds of Color" holiday party, setting the internet ablaze
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Washington Post goes ballistic on conversion switches that turn semi-autos into 'machine guns,' neglect real issue

12.07.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

The Washington Post breathlessly railed against "conversion switches" that convert semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic; however they buried the lead: far-left prosecutors are refusing to prosecute current gun laws, making the streets even more dangerous.
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Report: Biden administration is plotting to take kids away from parents who don't 'affirm' their choice of gender

12.06.23 | Noah Webster Editorial

A new rule proposed by the Biden administration affecting (for now) foster parents would prohibit anyone who doesn't "affirm" their child's gender choice from becoming a foster parent.
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Crime-riddled Washington, D.C. spent over $270,000 to repaint 'Black Lives Matter' on DC street

12.01.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

With crime spiraling out of control, Washington, D.C. officials thought it fiscally prudent to spend over a quarter-million dollars to repaint "Black Lives Matter" on a Washington, D.C. street.
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Op-ed: Newly released information shows George Floyd narrative was a hoax pushed by the far left

11.21.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

Newly released information proves two things...George Floyd didn't die due to traumatic asphyxiation from Derek Chauvin's knee, and prosecutors knew the case was not racially motivated.
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Where's the DOJ? Pro-Hamas rioters attempt to storm Democratic National Committee HQ, assault cops...only one arrest

11.18.23 | Noah Webster Editorial

Pro-Hamas rioters attempted to storm DNC headquarters in Washington, DC, and attacked cops yet only one arrest was made. Where's the DOJ?
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Op/ed: Why did the NSA miss the planned Hamas terrorist attack? They were worried about politically correct DEI definitions

11.17.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

It sounds like a bad knock-knock joke. Unfortunately, this is our current reality.
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Targeted by the feds? Dinesh D'Souza, producer of the film "Police State," finds out first hand that does, in fact, exist

11.14.23 | Noah Webster Analysis

Dinesh D'Souza, who produced a film called "Police State" about the present weaponization of the federal government against political opponents, saw the Dept. of the Treasury block a transaction between the film and an ad company.
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Ultra-woke? This may explain why Nashville's woke police chief refused to release trans shooter's manifesto

11.13.23 | Noah Webster Analysis

For over six months, the Nashville Metro Police refused to release the manifesto of trans mass shooter Audrey Hale. Now we may know one of the reasons why.
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Satanic Temple announces event for kids at elementary school in Connecticut - and the town is allowing it to happen

11.12.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

The Satanic Temple, based in witch-central Salem, Massachusetts, will be allowed to host After School Satan Club at an elementary school in Lebanon, Connecticut, with the town claiming it is obligated to allow this under the First Amendment.
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Why are there so many close calls in the skies, at airports? Do "woke" policies have something to do with it?

11.10.23 | Noah Webster Analysis

Runway incursions are a weekly thing in the U.S. and there have been some close calls in the skies as well. Woke hiring policies leading to unqualified controllers, lack of investment in technology, and staff shortages due to COVID mandates all seem to share the blame
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Health and Human Services implements policy that will punish employees for using wrong pronouns

11.10.23 | Noah Webster Editorial

A controversial policy implemented by Biden's Department of Health and Human Services will punish employees for using the wrong pronouns, allow employees to use the restroom of the gender they "identify" as.
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Radical left teachers ok with gay porn in schools, yet want to ban "To Kill a Mockingbird"

11.09.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

Four radical leftist teachers in Mukilteo, Washington want to ban "To Kill a Mockingbird," a classic novel about the Great Depression, claiming it "centers on whiteness."
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CT school superintendent lawyers up after parents expose graphic porn available through school to students

11.05.23 | Noah Webster Opinion

Questions about a teacher wearing an LGBT pin during student open house morphed into a series of FOIA requests on not-so-soft pornography being allowed in school libraries.
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