
Violence in the Big Apple: 74-year-old man pushed onto subway tracks in an 'unprovoked' attack

09.16.23 | Jenna Curren News

NYPD Transit Chief said that crime is actually down on the trains, although it may not seem like that's the case.
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Cartel hit: Drug reportedly trafficker thrown into the ocean with an anchor tied around his waist

09.16.23 | Chris Imel News

The drug trafficker was accused by the cartel of stealing 450 pounds of cocaine, which amounts to approximately $10 million.
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How did a retired police officer manage to accidentally kill someone in training? Here's the video.

09.16.23 | Dave McGrath News

A former police lieutenant was operating a training session with police recruits and thought he was holding a fake gun.
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How did convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante manage to stay hidden from police for nearly two weeks?

09.15.23 | Greg Hoyt News

Although deadly force was authorized in advance when law enforcement apprehended the fugitive, he was taken into custody with only a dog bite.
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Violent robbery committed by man who was released twice without posting bail

09.15.23 | Dave McGrath News

The judge released the man twice without having to pay bail, even after he skipped out on his court date for a previous burglary.
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Chicago Elementary school principal informs parents that staff member 'engaged inappropriately’ with student

09.14.23 | Greg Hoyt News

The school did not get into specifics with that occurred, nor did they name the offending staff member.
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Walmart's so done with crime that they're building police departments. Well, kind of.

09.12.23 | Mitchell McKinley News

After closing two Atlanta-area locations, one of those will host an Atlanta Police Department substation to help combat crime.
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'Take him out': Escaped killer flees search area; authorities given 'okay' to use deadly force

09.11.23 | Greg Hoyt News

Preauthorization to use deadly force against a fugitive is only authorized in cases where the escapee poses a severe threat against the community while at-large.
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Politician who fought to 'dismantle' the police department gets carjacked, is now calling for 'tougher' crime laws

09.11.23 | Jenna Curren Analysis

After demanding to "dismantle" the police department, she now wants them to "catch these young people…and hold them in custody and prosecute them."
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Man, 86, convicted of stealing infant's identity - now facing decades behind bars

09.07.23 | Jenna Curren News

The man had been using his brother's identity since he died as an infant in the 1940's.
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Six arrests. 14 charges. Cops assaulted. Venezuelan National wreaking havoc the streets of NYC.

09.06.23 | Dave McGrath Analysis

The immigrant began his alleged crime street one day after his arrival on American soil.
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Bombshell revelation: University of North Carolina shooter studied at University of Wuhan

09.05.23 | Pat Droney News

The shooter was described as an “angry” student dealing with “mental health” issues, but it seems like there's more to the story.
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Houston-area police department 'embarrassed, disgusted' after arrest of one of their own

09.04.23 | Mitchell McKinley News

A veteran officer was arrested for stealing a wallet and cash from a towed vehicle during a traffic stop.
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Navy veteran with multiple deployments brutally beaten in Philadelphia - says American cities are now war zones

09.03.23 | Dave McGrath News

The Navy vet said he's seen more violence in his hometown than he ever did during one of his multiple deployments.
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California Democrat councilman robbed while talking to business owners about crime

09.01.23 | Mitchell McKinley News

While talking about skyrocketing crime, he became a victim himself.
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