Law and order

Vermont shootings have increased 185% following influx of Somali refugees, police defunded by 30%

01.25.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The Burlington, VT murder rate has jumped 185% following BLM-led defunding fo the Police and an influx of Somali refugees.
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Buried story resurfaces, exposing that US military bought fake military equipment from China

01.25.24 | Matthew Holloway News

A New York man was charged with running an operation selling counterfeit equipment to the U.S. military and government agencies that could have seen American servicemembers killed for trusting their issued gear.
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Popular data source for gun-grabbers logged 'non-violent' incidents as 'gun violence'

01.25.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

One of the most prominent anti-second amendment statistics websites was exposed for demonstrably conflating accidental incidents in which no one was shot or injured with "school shootings."
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Illinois sheriffs refuse to enforce 'unconstitutional' gun and magazine ban

01.25.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

Several Illinois Sheriffs have joined in their refusal to enforce or support a blatantly unconstitutional gun ban that flies in the face of the Supreme Court's ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen.
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Analysis: Supreme Court case that challenges Jan.6th rioters could completely exonerate Trump

01.21.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

The legal team representing former President Donald Trump is watching the Supreme Court challenge of 'obstruction of a federal proceeding' by Jan. 6th defendants very, very closely.
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Chinese scientists announce new coronavirus strain GX_P2V is '100% lethal' in 'humanized' mice

01.20.24 | Matthew Holloway News

A new study from Beijing has revealed a lethal new strain of coronavirus distantly related to COVID-19 that has a 100% fatality rate in 'humanized' mice.
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UK study: Use of 'puberty blockers' by minors lowered their IQ, and 'may impact cognitive function'

01.19.24 | Matthew Holloway Analysis

An 'alarming' study published in the UK has found that among 25 girls who were given 'puberty blockers' for their gender confusion suffered losses of IQ. More troublingly, the study found 'no evidence that cognitive effects are fully reversible.'
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Incoming terror attacks? US intel warns Hezbollah could target mainland America as well as Israel

01.18.24 | Matthew Holloway News

US Intel officials have warned that strikes against American forces in the Middle East and even the United States itself could be subject to a terrorist attack or attacks launched by Hezbollah in support of Hamas.
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Report reveals TSA policy: Illegal immigrants with no ID can enter the US, 'TSA will also not store' photos, information

01.18.24 | Matthew Holloway Editorial

A picture snapped by commentator David Rubin has revealed that Illegal immigrants can now pass through TSA checkpoints without so much as a picture being taken, and no record of their travel being retained by the agency.
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Drunken, four-time deported illegal immigrant accused of killing Colorado woman and son

01.16.24 | Matthew Holloway News

A four-time deported illegal immigrant from El Salvador, driving drunk, reportedly and in excess of 100 mph struck a Colorado mother and son in their vehicle killing them both.
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DHS Secretary Mayorkas confesses more than 85% of illegal immigrants released into the U.S.: 'On alternatives to detention'

01.15.24 | Matthew Holloway News

DSH Secretary Mayorkas reportedly confessed that the Biden Administration is releasing more than 85% of illegal immigrants into the United States.
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'Outrageous - what about us?': Taxpayers now paying for new apartments and two years of rent for illegal immigrants

01.14.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The taxpaying public of Maine is bankrolling all new apartments for illegal immigrants according to a new report.
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Study: Chinese naval vessels could penetrate U.S. and allies' military radar systems

01.14.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Chinese scientists claim that with new passive radar technology, Chinese naval assets could penetrate U.S. and Allied Radar Systems.
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Texas National Guard blocking Border Patrol in Eagle Pass 'in any operational capacity' - and Border Patrol is grateful (but Biden is mad)

01.13.24 | Matthew Holloway News

The Texas National Guard has seized a riverside park in Eagle Pass, TX where illegal immigrants typically cross into the U.S. denying the U.S. Border Patrol and Dept. of Homeland Security access to the area.
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'Resign or we will impeach you': House Homeland Security Committee destroys Mayorkas over 'treasonous invasion'

01.10.24 | Matthew Holloway News

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' impeachment is set to move forward with the first of three inquiry hearings before the committee beginning Wednesday.
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