There is data stating that homicides and violence are down for select cities for the first half of 2023. Ten cities experienced an increase in homicides. Read More.
New York Times columnist David Brooks is reminding America why they shouldn’t put faith in opinion writers pontificating from their metropolitan ivory Read More.
National Command & Staff College Procuring essential equipment for public safety organizations is a tall order requiring strategic planning and a tailored approach. Read More.
According to reports, an Army veteran from Michigan was killed while delivering free bikes to kids in Florida who were impacted by Hurricane Ian. Read More.
Back in February, Mayor Levar Stoney and former Police Chief Gerald Smith announced that the city of Richmond would implement "violence interrupters" in a new effort to combat gun violence. Read More.
According to authorities, on Sunday, December 11th, a woman who claimed to be a "God from ancient Egypt" was arrested after attacking civilians. Read More.
What do you do when you’re in the middle of one of the worst crime waves in modern American history? Well if you’re a progressive Democrat, you apparently call for the elimination of prisons. Read More.
One of the producers of “Bill & Ted Face the Music” was arrested and charged with an accomplice for allegedly committing a “heist” of over $1 million. Read More.