
Former officer: Spineless police chiefs hurt law enforcement when they bend the knee to the woke left

04.26.24 | LET Guest Opinion

Washington State is a cesspool for tyrannical “far-left” liberals. It seems they start moderately liberal in Southern California and as they travel north along the I-5 corridor, any form of common sense is thrown out the window.
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As the world burns, the US military could soon court martial troops for 'misgendering' other service members

04.26.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Under current policy and with the world on the verge of WWIII thanks to Biden's feckless foreign policy, the military could court-martial service members for misgendering other service members
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Georgia fourth graders shown video of puppet show where dog is identifying as a cat

04.23.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

A school district in Georgia is showing fourth graders a video of a dog puppet who identifies as a cat as part of a lesson on "acceptance."
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Bombshell ATF firearm trafficking report shows Biden Administration is wrong - licensed retailers aren't the problem

04.17.24 | LET Guest Editorial

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) released a report that‘s been years in the making and the stark reality is that the Biden administration’s admonishments of the firearm industry are entirely off target.
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Leftist rag ProPublica trashed the science of 911 Homicide Call Analysis; conviction was just upheld by the Illinois Supreme Court

04.15.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

ProPublica, a leftist publication dedicated to attacking law enforcement, published a piece attacking 911 Homicide Call Analysis being used as a tool in a homicide investigation of a 19-month-old in Illinois in 2019; now the Illinois Supreme Court has upheld the conviction in the case.
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New York City's $17.5 million settlement: When emotion meets law and order (Op-Ed)

04.09.24 | Eddie Killian Editorial

New York City has found itself shelling out $17.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit.
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Mexican president's arrogance grows as liberal US courts hand over American sovereignty to Mexico

04.07.24 | LET Guest Opinion

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thinks he can do no wrong. After all, U.S. federal courts are turning over sovereignty to the Mexican head of state at the same time he’s issuing ultimatums to the United States and thumbing his nose to Texas.
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Chronic absenteeism: Are we watching the increasing collapse of the US public education system?

04.05.24 | Eddie Killian Opinion

Chronic absenteeism has emerged as a pressing and pervasive issue in the U.S. education system, representing a significant barrier to students' academic success and overall well-being.
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For second time in less than a week, a Chinese national was caught on a US military base...what are they doing there?

04.03.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

For the second time in less than a week, a military-aged Chinese national male was caught on a US military base in California. Are these reconnaissance missions designed to test vulnerability?
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Biden executive order has federal agencies recruiting Democrat voters on taxpayer's dime, including convicted criminals

04.03.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

An executive order signed by Biden uses federal agencies from the Department of Education, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services and more to recruit Democrat voters assisted by far-left NGOs, all on the taxpayer's dime.
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Americans humiliated at US airports while illegal aliens sail through with little to no verifiable identification

04.03.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

American citizens and legal immigrants are forced to go through humiliating rituals at airport checkpoints in order to fly; illegal aliens meantime can sail through without having verifiable ID using a CPB app.
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Police equipment supplier says cops make 'asses' out of themselves, get away with 'murder, rape, sexual assault, battery'

04.02.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Tony Paulk, owner of Phalanx International, which sells police equipment including ballistic helmets to police officers, slammed police in Facebook post, claims "old timers ruined the profession," police "get away with murder, rape, sexual assault, battery, etc."
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Provision tucked inside massive omnibus spending bill could spell the end of small ranchers in the US

04.02.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

A one paragraph provision snuck into the recently-passed omnibus spending bill will add electronic tagging requirement to the livestock industry, potentially crippling small ranchers, a dream of far-left climate activists
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CA police department setting the internet ablaze with LEGO headshots, and LEGO is pretty pissed

03.25.24 | Eddie Molina Opinion

The Murrieta Police Department is creatively complying with a new law by using Lego characters and creative write-ups.
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Haiti's crucible and the disaster coming to America: Navigating chaos in the Caribbean

03.23.24 | Eddie Killian Opinion

The United States finds itself at a pivotal crossroads, grappling with the tumultuous crisis unfolding in Haiti.
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