
Idaho bar celebrates Heterosexual Awesomeness Month and some people are REALLY triggered by that

06.10.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

The owner of Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho is celebrating Heterosexual Awesomeness Month to counter pride month being shoved down everyone's throats for the month of June. The bar is offering specials targeting heterosexual men, women and couples.
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LA County Fire Department lifeguard sues after being forced to fly rainbow flag in violation of his First Amendment rights

06.03.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

A lifeguard who works for the LA County Fire Department is suing after his request for a religious accommodation was pulled back after he refused to fly the rainbow flag for pride month last year, and the county retaliated by pulling him from the coveted role.
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Chinese spies in the United States are receiving wrist slaps instead of accountability

05.31.24 | Sarah Akey Editorial

An alarming trend is coming to light as Chinese spies within the United States government are being sentenced to anything but life in prison for putting our national security at risk.
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Times have changed in law enforcement - when we did become punching bags? (op-ed)

05.26.24 | LET Guest Opinion

It seems now Law Enforcement officers are just punching bags for the citizenry at large. Any time an officer does their job, they risk being suspended, fired, arrested and/or imprisoned.
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Believe it or not, Hollywood is making a movie about career criminal Saint George Floyd - (op-ed)

05.24.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

Hollywood is making a movie about career criminal, drug-addicted George Floyd to remind us once again that the 2020 riots were a complete and total joke.
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Biden's whole-of-government gun control crusade confronts reality

05.24.24 | LET Guest Opinion

President Biden calls the firearm industry “the enemy” and his administration is systematically attempting to dismantle the industry and pander to the whims of radical gun control lobbyists.
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Retired officer: Times have changed in law enforcement. Where do I go now?

05.24.24 | LET Guest Opinion

It seems now Law Enforcement officers are just punching bags for the citizenry at large. Any time an officer does their job, they risk being suspended, fired, arrested and/or imprisoned.
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Biden 'forgets' to list luxury vacations at homes of billionaires on his ethics disclosure form, a violation of federal law

05.20.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

In 2023, the Biden's took numerous luxury vacations at homes belonging to billionaires, however he failed to disclose those on ethics forms required to be completed by federal officials.
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'We're all border states': Another illegal immigrant, another killing, this time in West Virginia

05.20.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Police say an illegal immigrant who has been arrested in connection with the murder of a West Virginia woman also attacked two homeless men with a baseball bat.
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'Homicidal empathy': There's a catastrophic new threat to officers - and you can thank a local 'activist'

05.20.24 | LET Guest Editorial

Officers are increasingly facing criminal charges after officer-involved shootings, mainly because too many politicians, academics, and anti-police activists have been allowed to distort facts, second-guess tactics, and create expectations of officers that are simply beyond human performance capabilities. 
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Well-respected Florida deputy police chief fired for taking picture with Dem representative's political opponent

05.19.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Mayor of West Palm Beach, Florida, Keith James, fired department's deputy chief after he posted picture on Facebook of him with the possible political opponent of Lois Frankel, a 76-year-old Democrat House member who is James' political idol and mentor.
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Op-ed: Biden insults fallen law enforcement officers and their families by pretending to know their pain

05.18.24 | Sarah Akey Opinion

Biden's detachment from reality was on full display during his speech at the National Peace Officer's Memorial on Wednesday. What's worse is that he insulted law enforcement officers and their families on a whole new level.
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'USA! USA!': How cops can stand up to death-to-America crowd

05.18.24 | LET Guest Opinion

"USA! USA!" It’s no mere slogan. It's a battle cry, a symbol of American strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
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Under attack in America: Rising crime should be a wakeup call for city leaders

05.17.24 | LET Guest Editorial

The unsettling contrast between perceived safety and actual risk in Dallas necessitates an urgent reassessment of our crime strategy—before we end up like New York City.
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Anti-Christian group demands Birmingham (AL) Police stop praying before their shifts

05.15.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Freedom From Religion, an anti-Christian group, is demanding the Birmingham, Alabama Police Department cease the practice of having officers pray before going out on their shifts, citing First Amendment concerns.
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