
Does a crime victim have the right to own the name and future money of the person who attacked them?

07.30.24 | Leonard Sipes Opinion

Maybe it’s time for crime victims to appeal to the courts for redress and financial compensation to force their victimizers to pay a price commiserate with their crimes.
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Media and 'fact checker' gaslighting starts, claims Harris was never appointed by Biden as 'border czar'

07.27.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

The mainstream media is starting to give cover for Kamala Harris's inept handling of the southern border, claiming she was never actually appointed by Biden as "border czar," a matter of semantics.
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St. Louis records nearly 2,000 murders in the last decade; about 1,000 still unsolved

07.27.24 | Eddie Molina Editorial

St. Louis is again one of the most dangerous cities in America with 1,900 murders recorded in the last ten years. But 1,000 of them remain unsolved.
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Say what? Law Enforcement Today and Black Lives Matter actually agree on something

07.26.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

While Law Enforcement Today disagrees with Black Lives Matter on pretty much everything, we found something we can agree on...that is the Democratic Party is disenfranchising voters by coronating Kamala Harris as their presidential nominee without an open and transparent process.
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Why is ATF repeatedly violating firearm trace data laws?

07.26.24 | LET Guest Opinion

For the second time in less than a year, the ATF chose to ignore the Tiahrt Amendment – the federal law that prohibits the disclosure of sensitive firearm trace data to anyone outside of law enforcement circles for use in a bona fide investigation.
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What if liberal politicians went on police ride-alongs - would that help save America? Michael Letts says "yes".

07.25.24 | Eddie Molina Opinion

One way for people to better understand police work is to go on a ride-along. What if politicians went on ride-alongs to see exactly what police go through every day? Would that help them support law enforcement?
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Instead of ensuring safety of it's protectees, Secret Service's primary goal seems to be recruiting from the LGBTQ community (op-ed)

07.23.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

The Secret Service has lost focus of it's primary mission, which is life safety of its protectees in exchange for woke LGBTQ initiatives.
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Wife of Washington Post hack, who for years accused Trump of being foreign agent, is arrested for being... a foreign agent

07.20.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Sue Mi Terry, wife of Washington Post columnist Max Boot, was indicted for acting as a foreign agent. Boot has for years accused President Trump of acting as a foreign agent and is a virulent Trump Derangement Syndrome zealot.
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Wheels continue coming off: Biden again forgets the name of his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

07.20.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

In an interview on Black Entertainment Television (BET), Joe Biden forgot the name of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and called him "a black man."
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Obnoxious, anti-police 'squad' member Cori Bush getting trounced in her primary race against Wesley Bell

07.19.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a member of the so-called "Squad," is embroiled in a primary race with the St. Louis prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell and is getting eviscerated by over 23 points, according to recent polling
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Federal government prioritizes DEI and hiring by gender over competence, and the Trump shooting proves it

07.18.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

Federal law enforcement agencies, along with a number of municipal departments, have bought onto a program called the 30x30 Initiative, which promises to employ 30% female staffs by 2030. As the assassination attempt on President Trump proved, the initiative is doomed to failure.
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Alex Soros made what appeared to be threat to Trump on X; and USA Today 'fact checkers' dismissed it

07.17.24 | Noah Webster Opinion

USA Today, a notorious anti-conservative "fact-checking" site, dismissed what many believed was an apparent threat made by Alex Soros, son of George Soros, earlier this year toward President Trump.
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Appeals court rules Clinton, super PAC coordinated to skirt FEC rules, same thing Trump was targeted for

07.17.24 | Pat Droney Editorial

A federal appeals court ruled that the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and a super PAC coordinated effort to skirt campaign finance laws, the same violation President Trump was convicted of allegedly violating.
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Why the assassination attempt on Trump? Look no further than media, politicians, etc...

07.15.24 | Leah Anaya Editorial

Many leftists posting on social media their outrage and disappointment that the person who attempted to murder Donald Trump "missed."
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Facebook 'fact check' about Democrats' refusal to condemn 2020 Floyd riots is full of holes

07.14.24 | Pat Droney Opinion

A meme circulated on social media claims Democrats refused to condemn violence related to 2020 Floyd riots, which "fact checkers" say "lacks context." We have the context right here.
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